Los Angeles Branch RSCDS
Contact Us
If you have any questions or would like more information upcoming events, contact:
Branch Chairman ( Chair@rscds-losangeles.org )
Become a Member
Download a membership application for 2024/2025.
List of dances for 2023/2024
Cues for dances on the 2023/2024 dance program
List of classes.
If you would like to make a donation to the branch, you can use Zelle.
The phone number associated with our account is 310-625-9071.
(Please be sure and identify what your payment is for in the "Messages" or "Memo" section of your payment.)
If you would like to make a cash-deductible donation in an amount of $250 or more, please mail a check to:
Doris Fisher, Treasurer
2021 W 177th St,
Torrance CA 90504
You may also use Zelle to pay dance admissions at Los Angeles Branch dances.
Financials and other reports